18 January 2009

Tagged by Jen

I've been tagged by Jen.
So here goes...

  • Do not copy answers
  • Tag questions must be exactly the same.
  • Tag people before doing the tagI
I tag :
1. Kelly
2. ShuYi
3. Yng
4. Sheryl
5. Janson
6. Sharon
7. Michele
8. Hui Li
9. Karen

How did you know 1?
through the blood.

What would you do if you never met 2?
i wont be as strong as i'm now.

What would you do if 3 and 4 dated?
cherish them~

Would 5 and 6 make a good couple?
no idea.

Do you think 7 is attractive?
i think so.

Tell me something about 9.
she's tall. she draws.

What is 1's favourite past time?

What language does 2 speak?
u name it.

Who is 3 going out with?

How old is 4?
sweet 17.

When was the last time you talked to 5?
last night.

Who is 6's favourite singer?
no idea.

Would you date 7?
i dont mind =p

Is 8 single?
yeah i guess.

What is 9's last name?
Tong i think.


  1. i was thinking hard for the first question u know?? how did we know each other?? errr....blood/genes/since born/through parents/through Sim family?? and i chose blood...lol!

    sleep is the tradition of the mighty family! lol!
