18 November 2009

Happy Graduation, JOsh

This morning, i received a msg. 8 o'clock. JOshua was having a hang over (bad one i bet!) and i'm minute away from stepping into the exam hall. Yes i was terkektiok for a moment but was more of feeling happy for you.

All i wanna say is Happy Graduation. It's a mixed of both happiness and sadness. "In life, when something big like that ends, it's just another way of saying something small has just started." (Wong 2009) Congratulation upon graduation, it's not Kuching High, but MacGregor State High School. Nevertheless you're still a highian, don't you ever forget that =p

We're all growing up. I guess you're ready to embark a whole new journey :) May God Bless you!

P/S : Now, that looks like a penguin suit after many times looking at it :p


  1. wow. nice tribute post. really nice :D I sent u at 8am.. that means it was 6am in Miri rite?!! lol

  2. haha. yes and that time i just woke up preparing for school, for exam. lol! and someone having a hangover. makes me feel so...wana get a drink! hahaha.
