29 May 2009

she thinks...

i'm a girl trying to figure a way out. to find her inner soul. to express her inner beauty. what's so wrong with life nowadays? his, hers, mine, everybody.

i realized time really flies. tick tack tock and Summer i coming. that's a good thing, aint it? June, Gawai is round the corner. me love. At the same time, it's that point of time, again, where everyone goes separate ways. family. friends. school. unis. scholarships. the thought of it is killing.

talk about scholarship. applied five, FOUR rejected me. i'm still clinging onto that lil last hope though. instinct says rejection again. God, surprise me not? ;)

friends. i miss them. lotsa them.
maybe i'm so used to seeing and experiencing heart broken, be it friendship or relationship. traumatic. i've learnt the hard way. that some things just wont last forever. and how do u define forever btw? somehow i couldnt be bothered anymore, at least for now. i'm just so lazy or selfish is a better word to fix to mend a broken heart. Hence, i'll just leave it there and as time passes, it'll eventually heal though the scar remains. Time is the best medicine after all, right?

Life goes on, people change. i changed, obviously. for the better not? i-dont-know. it's not for you to judge anyway. whatever it's, it happened for a reason. i happen for a reason. am learning to believe everything happens for a reason. And some reasons are better left untold, cause the truth always hurt. Always? naw, but most of the time they appeal to be hurting.

Life is not a bed full of roses.
i'm so used to blaming : this, that. Sometimes we blame the almighty God for the happenings. why is the question. so many whyS. guess it's time to ask ourselves 'why cant u have a lil faith in HIM?'. Faith is all we need to get through life. the sad moments especially.

Life is good now and i hope it persists. I'm contented with what i have and what i dont have as well. Counting my blessings everyday. I live my life, for myself and for the ones that i love and those who love me for who i'm.
Life is too short to grieve on. I believe we hold the key to our own happiness. You either choose to dwell on the past & sorrow or to be happy.

Also, it's time to grow up.


  1. its okay really..fourteen rejected me and applied fourteen haha...:)

  2. whoa luka itu lagi besar hehe. God's plan =))
