09 July 2009

It's hard to say goodbye

...and we know this is not the last goodbye =)

After much em0-ness, i've finally buckled up to write this post. Let's just say, i'm okay and better now so i better blog before my feeling starts running low, again.

am looking forward to raya, ShuYi!!

tatty hugs

topsy turvy hugs

So, ShuYi my tatty buddy for the past five years left for Perak 8 hours ago. Definitely one great friend you wont wana miss.

"Always friends in sunshine and in shades.
You know who to sms or miss call when u're still awake at the wee hour.

Hook lil fingers.

Bea's farewell dinner

The R.O. water story (:
And in another 5 hours, Beatrice will be leaving for KL. This time, we know it's not gonna be a U-turn trip. Funny how things happened, the U-turn trip built up the bond between us. 7 mths worth of friendship. Am so sorry i couldnt send u off. I hereby, wish u a safe flight.

As much as we dont wana say goodbye, we just have to. To the both of you, i'm proud of ya both & all the best in your future undertakings. Misses all the way back home.


  1. :) I brought Bea into ur life.. Thanks me!!! Haha

  2. Friends come and go. true friends will always stay with you no matter where you go. this is another new journey for everyone and when your back for holidays then you will really appreciate your time with your family and friends.

  3. janson : ya and that's like a gift =) thanks heaps!

    sheila : thanks.! very meaningful (:

  4. WElcome.. :) we will be meeting soon.. Haha.. Pray..
