05 January 2009

I survived!

Me S.U.R.V.I.V.E.D. !
Teaching ABC !

Aloha ! Miss Tan survived teaching today!

Class starts at 2.30 p.m., I was freaking nervous at that moment, confused and completely lost my mind, I dont know where and how to start. Thank GOD! I quickly prayed, and God answered my prayer. He took away my fear, my stage fright thingy and I was able to speak out loud [for the first time I guess].
It was tiring! 2 hours teaching is enough for me. I cannot handle further long hours of teaching. lol. By the end of the class, I was exhausted and hungry already. Somemore, dry throats! I better drink more water before I teach next time. lol.

Awwww... cute aye??
I WAS that cute too!!
Once I reached home, I had my shower and dinner then quickly jumped into my lalaland. Then, suprise waiting for me! Cuzzy came into my room & mum woke me up! Weee! So happy to see Christine darling! At least I get to meet and chat with her before she leave for KL again. No worries, she's coming back for Chinese New Year. So, more meet ups! lol!
Hhmm... I might as well teach the kids about 'money'.
lol! *evil grins*


  1. Haha!!
    Can't drink water kah?
    Or you didn't give them time to do some works? Like classwork? So that you can have time to rest a while? Hahax!!!!
    All the best lor!! Next time I will talk to Miss Tan with no voice at all!! xP

  2. Well, it's a good start!! :) keep it up gurl!!

  3. to Janson : Can drink water...but still, dry throats! lol...

    to ShuYi : yeah, new start too! thanks tatty dearie! =)
