17 March 2009


To trust God, easy or hard?

When events do not turn out as planned, I don't let myself become bogged down in disappointment or allow my enthusiasm to wane. Though, most of the times i still do that and am annoyed over the things in life that seemed unfair to me and even gave up hope. In prayer, I bring myself back to center. Because of YOU the LORD, i never stray too far from the sidewalk. I turn my perspective around so that I see things in a new way and celebrate the good that is always there for me.

Find your center

The more you trust God, the wiser you become. Your expectations help me navigate through the detours of life and onto new roads of discovery. As you continue along on your journey, you must rely on the guidance of Spirit so that you keep your steps steady. one step at a time. At each crossroad, you know the path you take leads to blessings ahead. Try to make the best out of each path.

Turning around to face your bad, you will realize that what might have at first discouraged you will prove to be the dawning of a greater, more fulfilling experience.
Anchor yourself and feel the center

To trust someone is never easy, not hard either if you're willing to take the first step. We should at least try and take a different perspective towards life. Remember, find the center, wade back to the center whenever u are at your deepest. The center is where it all begins again, with a good start perhaps?

"Keep my steps steady according to your promise.'' book of palms.

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